Evers Ridge Farm
Evers Ridge Farm is located in Medford (2916 Cordella Way Medford OR). Evers Ridge Farm has fresh pressed apple cider for sale pressed with an 1870s press kids can help with, a play area, a corn pit, photo shoot areas, and a hay ride every hours in addition to their pumpkins for sale. No admission fee, but they charge for cider, hay ride, and pumpkins.

Fort Vannoy Farms
Fort Vannoy Farms is located at 5791 Lower River Road Grants Pass, Oregon, 97526. It is the largest u-pick pumpkin patch in Grants Pass, and is extremely popular to visiit during their Harvest festival each Fall.

Pheasant Fields Farm
Pheasant Fields Farm is located at 1865 Camp Baker Rd Medford, OR 97501. Its the largest u-pick pumpkin patch in Medford Oregon, and its one of the most popular ones to visit in the Fall during their Harvest Festival. While its address is Medford Oregon, its a bit closer to the town of Phoenix Oregon.

Bigham Farms
Bigham Farms Pumpkin Patch is located at 9445 Pumice Lane
Central Point, OR 97502. It is a smaller laid back family farm that is popular and typically less crowded that the larger pumpkin farms in Southern Oregon.